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Oxygen XML Editor v11.1 for Windows/Linux/Eclipse | 317 MB

Oxygen is a complete cross platform XML editor providing the tools for XML authoring, XML conversion, XML Schema, DTD, Relax NG and Schematron development, XPath, XSLT, XQuery debugging, SOAP and WSDL testing. The integration with the XML document repositories is made through the WebDAV, Subversion and S/FTP protocols.Oxygen also supports browsing, managing and querying native XML and relational databases. The Oxygen XML Editor is also available as an Eclipse IDE plugin, bringing unique XML development features to this widely used Java IDE.

XML Editor
The content assistant, XML outliner and the model view are all designed to make XML editing faster and easier.

- WYSIWYG XML Editor (Visual XML editor)
The Author mode of the XML Editor demonstrates a new productive way of editing XML documents, similar to a word processor.

- Intelligent XML Editing
The context sensitive content assistant is changing the way you edit documents, helping you create valid content all the time.

- Extensible XML Editor
Starting with version 9 adds a new concept called Document Type that solves the problem of providing ready to use support for a framework or an XML language. The Document Type concept is used to provide the built in support has for a number of XML frameworks (DITA, DocBook, TEI) but, more importantly, it can be employed to provide support for a user defined framework that needs to be shared with other users.

- XML Grid Editor
The s grid editor allows you to edit repetitive XML content in a special layout similar to a spreadsheet application, without the need to interact with markup.

- XML Outliner
XML Editor comes along with a powerful outliner which is automatically synchronized with the document changes.

- XInclude Support
XML Editor supports XInclude which is a standard for building up XML documents from smaller pieces, being a replacement for the external entities.

- XML Validation and Well-Formedness Check
The XML validation can be done by checking the documents against a schema. XML Editor supports: XML Schema, DTD, Schematron and Relax NG schemas.

- XML Formating and Indentation.
An useful utility is the XML document formatter.

- Unicode and Internationalization
XML Editor supports a large number of text encodings. Unicode is fully supported.

- XML Diff and Merge Tool
A complete diff and merge solution is available in XML Editor. It offers both directory and file comparison, six different diff algorithms and multiple levels of comparison.

- XPath support
XPath is a language for addressing specific parts of an XML document. XPath, like the Document Object Model (DOM), models an XML document as a tree of nodes. An XPath expression is a mechanism for navigating through and selecting nodes from the XML document. You can executes XPath queries on opened documents. Both XPath versions 1.0 and 2.0 are supported.

- XML Digital Signature and XML Canonicalization
The digital signature is a requirement when exchanging information in an untrusted network. Since XML is used for content storage it is important to be able to sign the XML files or messages.

- Tree Editor
XML documents can be viewed/edited in a graphical tree. The tree editor is handy for large size documents.

- Helper Views
There is a set of panels located at the side of the editing area helping the XML editing. They present the model of the edited XML element, the available attributes and entities.

java -jar keygen_patch.jar
Press 'patch' in keygen, navigate to
installdir\lib and choose oxygen.jar or oxygenEclipse.jar

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