In this first of our Advanced MAXScript DVDs, Bobo introduces us to the world of 3D math, or as he puts it "how the 3D world functions under the hood…". This DVD progresses through the theory and practical application of vector, trig, matrix and barycentric coordinate math. It will allow you to manipulate objects transforms, particles speed and motion, to easily align one object to another, and builds on all of these topics to culminate in a fully scripted ray-tracing rendering system!!

This DVD is an ideal introduction or refresher course for any Intermediate or Advanced scripter that wants gain (or re-gain) control of 3D math skills within MAXScript and in doing so push their skills forward and take a firmer control of many areas of 3dsmax.

Ch01: Vectors: The Basics
In the first chapter Bobo gives an introduction to the concept of 1 and 2 dimensional vectors, Vector addition and multiplication.

Ch02: 3 Dimensional Vectors
We move on to 3 Dimensional Vectors and treating RGB colour space as a Vector.

Ch03: Unit Vectors
Bobo explains the importance of Unit Vectors and shows a practical application within a scripted PFlow Operator.

Ch04: Trigonometry & Vector Operations
Moving on from Vectors we look a trigonometry and how the sine and cosine functions relate to angles and vectors. We also look at vector dot and cross products.

Ch05: Barycentric Coordinates
We look at how a position on a triangular face can be specified via barycentric coordinates.

Ch06: Ray Intersections
In this chapter we look at the MAXScript Ray and RayEx. functions and how they can be used to find collisions within 3D space.

Ch07: The Matrix: Explained
The Matrix… here Bobo explains the basics of how a matrix is used within 3D software to store a nodes position in space, its rotation and also its scale and shows how nodes and PFlow particles can be aligned using their Matrices.

Ch08: The Matrix: Continued
Continuing with Matrices we look at how we can determine if two objects face towards each other and how to rotate an object within another objects transform space.

Ch09: Vectors and Matrix3 Values
We look at how we can convert a single vector into a full Matrix, also the same but with an up vector and more.
Ch10: Sub-Object Transformations
We look at controlling Modifier Gizmo's position and orientation using its matrix and how this can be used to slice many objects with the same plane at the same time.

Ch11: Camera & View Transform Matrix
Bobo explores the fact that any scene camera has its own transform matrix and how this can be used to determine all objects in front or behind the camera.

Ch12: A Basic Rendering Pipeline
We start our end project, constructing a fully functional scripted rendering system. First we implement a basic diffuse shading model and also Z-Depth testing.

Ch13: Implementing Textures
Then we move on to support textures within our shading model and also ambient light.

Ch14: Phong And Blinn Highlights
We look at how Phong and Blinn highlights are calculated and then we implement Blinn highlights.

Ch15: Implementing Shadows/Reflections
And we complete our rendering system by adding ray traced shadows and final ray traced reflections.
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