Java Programming Ebooks 2008 CD
Recommended Books for Programmers
Algorithms In Java, Parts 1-4, 2002.chm
Java Concurrency In Practice, 2006.chm
Ant, The Definite Guide, 2005.chm
Professional Eclipse 3, For Java Developers, 2005.pdf
Beginning Hibernate, 2006.pdf
Java, Java, Java - Object-Oriented Problem Solving, 2005.chm
Directory Layout (size in MB)
27M ./Advanced Topics
27M ./Ant
33M ./Application Servers
11M ./Data Structures
40M ./Design Patterns
63M ./Eclipse
90M ./Enterprise
41M ./General
18M ./Hibernate
78M ./Learning Java
58M ./Swing, Graphics
6.5M ./Virtual Machine
489M .
./Advanced Topics:
Beginning Cryptography With Java, 2005.chm
Better, Faster, Lighter Java, 2004.chm
Beyond Java, 2005.chm
Covert Java - Techniques For Decompiling, Patching, And Reverse Engineering, 2004.pdf
Hardcore Java, 2004.chm
Inside Java 2 Platform Security, 2003.chm
JRuby on Rails, 2007.pdf
Java Concurrency In Practice, 2006.chm
Java Extreme Programming Cookbook, 2003.pdf
Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition, 2004.chm
Java Puzzlers - Traps, Pitfalls, And Corner Cases, 2005.chm
Java Reflection in Action, 2005.pdf
Pro JSF and Ajax, 2007.pdf
Scripting in Java, 2007.pdf
Ant, In Action, 2007.pdf
Ant, The Definite Guide, 2005.chm
Pro Apache Ant, 2006.pdf
./Application Servers:
Beginning JBoss Seam, 2007.pdf
Java EE 5 with Glassfish Application Server, 2007.pdf
Practical JBoss Seam Projects, 2007.pdf
Pro Apache Tomcat 6, 2007.pdf
Tomcat, The Definitive Guide, 2008.pdf
./Data Structures:
Algorithms In Java, Part 5, 2002.chm
Algorithms In Java, Parts 1-4, 2002.chm
Java Generics And Collections, 2006.chm
./Design Patterns:
Antipatterns, 2006.pdf
Applied Java Patterns, 2001.pdf
Concurrent Programming in Java, Design Patterns, 1999.chm
Design Patterns Explained, 2000.pdf
Design Patterns Workbook, 2002.pdf
Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Code, 1995.chm
J2EE Design Patterns, 2003.chm
Pattern Language for Parallel Programming, 2004.pdf
Patterns in Java, 2002.chm
Contributing to Eclipse, 2003.chm
Eclipse Cookbook, 2004.chm
Eclipse Distilled, 2005.chm
Eclipse Rich Client Platform, 2005.chm
Eclipse Web Tools Platform, 2007.pdf
Eclipse, Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins, 2006.chm
Official Eclipse 3 FAQs.chm
Pocket Reference, Eclipse IDE, 2005.chm
Professional Eclipse 3, For Java Developers, 2005.pdf
Agile Java Development With Spring, Hibernate, And Eclipse, 2006.chm
Art Of Java Web Development, 2004.pdf
Beginning Spring 2, 2008.pdf
Core JavaServer Faces, 2007.chm
Definite Guide to Grails, 2006.pdf
Effective Enterprise Java, 2004.chm
Enterprise JavaBeans, 4th Edition, 2004.chm
Java EE And .NET Interoperability, 2006.chm
Java Enterprise In A Nutshell, 2005.chm
Java Message Service, 2001.pdf
Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook, 2004.chm
Java Web Development using Hibernate, JSP and Servlets, 2007.pdf
Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks, 2006.pdf
Pro Spring, 2005.chm
Definite ANTLR Reference, 2007.pdf
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages, 2002.pdf
JUnit Recipes, 2005.pdf
Java After Hours 10 Projects You'll Never Do at Work, 2005.chm
Java Job Interview Companion, 2005.pdf
Java Phrasebook, 2006.chm
Mac OS X For Java Geeks, 2003.chm
Object Oriented Programming Languages, Interpretation, 2007.pdf
Object-Oriented Software Construction.pdf
UML 2.0 in a Nutshell, 2005.chm
User Interface Design for Programmers, 2001.pdf
Apache Derby, Off to the Races, 2005.chm
Beginning Hibernate, 2006.pdf
Java Persistence with Hibernate, 2007.pdf
./Learning Java:
Beginning POJOs, 2006.pdf
Core Java 2 Volume I, 2004.chm
Core Java 2 Volume II, 2004.chm
Introduction To Computing And Programming With Java - A Multimedia Approach, 2006.chm
Java 1.5, A Developer's Notebook, 2004.pdf
Java 6 Platform Revealed, 2006.pdf
Java Cookbook, 2004.chm
Java IO, 2006.chm
Java Precisely, 2002.pdf
Java, How To Program, 2004.chm
Java, Java, Java - Object-Oriented Problem Solving, 2005.chm
Learning Java, 2005.chm
./Swing, Graphics:
Developing Games In Java, 2003.chm
Filthy Rich Clients, 2007.pdf
Intro to Computer Graphics, Undergraduate, Java, 2008.pdf
Java Swing, 2nd Edition, 2002.chm
Killer Game Programming In Java, 2005.chm
SWT A Developers Notebook, 2004.chm
SWT and JFace in Action, 2005.pdf
Software Visualization, 2007.pdf
Swing Hacks, 2005.chm
./Virtual Machine:
Inside the Java Virtual Machine, 1997.chm
JVM Instruction Reference (draft).chm
Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition, 2005.chm
Java and the JVM, 2001.pdf
Programming for the Java Virtual Machine, 1999.chm
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One comment
Comment by Gafarudin on July 5, 2009 at 8:31 AM