Game Character Design omplete

Posted: 24 May 2009 06:39 AM PDT

Game Character Design Complete

Game Character Design Complete

Product Description
A game is only as intriguing as the characters that inhabit its world. Game Character Design Complete demonstrates each step of modeling, texturing, animating, and exporting compelling characters for your games. You'll learn how to model in 3ds Max from sketch references, texture in Adobe Photoshop, rig bones, and animate a character back in 3ds Max. Game Character Design Complete covers all aspects of character creation-from the technical to the artistic. Don't worry if your artistic ability isn't awe-inspiring. You'll cover every aspect of the design process in easy-to-follow steps, including texturing and animating your character. If you have a working knowledge of 2D and 3D graphics, then you have all of the skills you need to begin creating cool characters for your games.

About the Author
David Franson has been a professional in the field of networking, programming, and 2D and 3D computer graphics since 1990. In 2000, he resigned his position as Information Technology Director of one of the largest entertainment law firms in New York City to pursue a full-time career in game development. He is the author of 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists, The Dark Side of Game Texturing, as well as the full-page article How Video Games are Made which appeared in 45 newspapers worldwide. He is also the technical editor for over a dozen popular video game programming books and has also produced digital artwork for 3D video games, film, and television.

Eric Thomas is a longtime 3ds Max user extending all the way back to DOS days. During his years with the program, he's seen a number of changes and a dramatic shift in how the software is used. Eric has used Max to create a variety of projects from movies and games. He is currently working as the creative director for Side Pictures Inc., a firm specializing in 3d games and visualization tools.



Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework

Posted: 24 May 2009 06:38 AM PDT

Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework

Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework

Product Description

Language Integrated Query (LINQ), as well as the C# 3.0 and VB 9.0 language extensions to support it, is the most import single new feature of Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework 3.x. LINQ is Microsoft's first attempt to define a universal query language for a diverse set of in-memory collections of generic objects, entities persisted in relational database tables, and element and attributes of XML documents or fragments, as well as a wide variety of other data types, such as RSS and Atom syndication feeds. Microsoft invested millions of dollars in Anders Hejlsberg and his C# design and development groups to add new features to C# 3.0—such as lambda expressions, anonymous types, and extension methods—specifically to support LINQ Standard Query Operators (SQOs) and query expressions as a part of the language itself.

Corresponding additions to VB 9.0 followed the C# team's lead, but VB's implementation of LINQ to XML offers a remarkable new addition to the language: XML literals. VB's LINQ to XML implementation includes XML literals, which treat well-formed XML documents or fragments as part of the VB language, rather than requiring translation of element and attribute names and values from strings to XML DOM nodes and values.

This book concentrates on hands-on development of practical Windows and Web applications that demonstrate C# and VB programming techniques to bring you up to speed on LINQ technologies. The first half of the book covers LINQ Standard Query Operators (SQOs) and the concrete implementations of LINQ for querying collections that implement generic IEnumerable<T>, IQueryable<T>, or both interfaces. The second half is devoted to the ADO.NET Entity Framework, Entity Data Model, Entity SQL (eSQL) and LINQ to Entities. Most code examples emulate real-world data sources, such as the Northwind sample database running on SQL Server 2005 or 2008 Express Edition, and collections derived from its tables. Code examples are C# and VB Windows form or Web site/application projects not, except in the first chapter, simple command-line projects. You can't gain a feel for the behavior or performance of LINQ queries with "Hello World" projects that process arrays of a few integers or a few first and last names.

This book is intended for experienced .NET developers using C# or VB who want to gain the maximum advantage from the query-processing capabilities of LINQ implementations in Visual Studio 2008—LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to DataSets, and LINQ to XML—as well as the object/relational mapping (O/RM) features of VS 2008 SP1's Entity Framework/Entity Data Model and LINQ to Entities and the increasing number of open-source LINQ implementations by third-party developers.

Basic familiarity with generics and other language features introduced by .NET 2.0, the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE), and relational database management systems (RDBMSs), especially Microsoft SQL Server 200x, is assumed. Experience with SQL Server's Transact-SQL (T-SQL) query language and stored procedures will be helpful but is not required. Proficiency with VS 2005, .NET 2.0, C# 2.0, or VB 8.0 will aid your initial understanding of the book's C# 3.0 or VB 9.0 code samples but isn't a prerequisite.



C++ in a Nutshell

Posted: 24 May 2009 06:36 AM PDT

C++ in a Nutshell

C++ in a Nutshell

Product Description
C++ in a Nutshell packs an enormous amount of information on C++ (and the many libraries used with it) in an indispensable quick reference for those who live in a deadline-driven world and need the facts but not the frills. The book's language reference is organized first by topic, followed by an alphabetical reference to the language's keywords, complete with syntax summaries and pointers to the topic references.

The library reference is organized by header file, and each library chapter and class declaration presents the classes and types in alphabetical order for easy lookup. Cross-references link related methods, classes, and other key features. This is an ideal resource for students as well as professional programmers. When you're programming, you need answers to questions about language syntax, or parameters required by library routines quickly. C++ in a Nutshell is a concise desktop reference that answers these questions, putting the full power of this flexible, adaptable (but somewhat difficult to master) language at every C++ programmer's fingertips.

About the Author
Ray Lischner began his career as a software developer, but dropped out of the corporate rat race to become an author. He started using C++ in the late 1980s, working at a company that was rewriting its entire product line in C++. Over the years, he has witnessed the evolution of C++ from cfront to native compilers to integrated development environments to visual, component-based tools. Ray has taught C++ at Oregon State University. He is the author of Delphi in a Nutshell and O'Reilly's upcoming C++ in a Nutshell, as well as other books.



Shaders for Game Programming and Artists

Posted: 24 May 2009 06:34 AM PDT

Shaders for Game Programming and Artists

Shaders for Game Programming and Artists

Product Description
"Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists"—the title says it all. This book does something that other shader books don't. It focuses solely on shaders and their creation. You'll use ATI's RenderMonkey platform, giving you an easy-to-use framework for shader development and allowing you to focus your energy on shader development rather than the development of framework applications.

Cover simple techniques, from the basics of color filters to more advanced topics, such as depth of field, heat shimmer, and high-dynamic range rendering. Extensive excercises at the end of each chapter allow you to test your skills by expanding upon the shader you've just developed. Whether you are an engineer or a technically minded artist, you've finally found the ideal guide for mastering shaders!



Design on the Edge: The Making of a High-Performance Building

Posted: 24 May 2009 06:33 AM PDT

Design on the Edge: The Making of a High-Performance Building

Design on the Edge: The Making of a High-Performance Building

Product Description
The story of the Adam Joseph Lewis Center at Oberlin College—the first substantially green building to be built on a college campus—encompasses more than the particulars of one building. In Design on the Edge, David Orr writes about the planning and design of Oberlin's environmental studies building as part of a larger story about the art and science of ecological design and the ability of institutions of higher learning themselves to learn.

The Lewis Center, which has attracted worldwide attention as a model of ecological design, operates according to environmental principles. It is powered entirely by solar energy, features landscaping with fruit trees and vegetable gardens, and houses a Living Machine, which processes all wastewater for reuse in the building or landscape. Orr puts the Lewis Center into historical design context and describes the obstacles and successes he encountered in obtaining funds and college approval, interweaving the particulars of the center with thoughts on the larger environmental and societal issues the building process illustrates.

Equal parts analysis, personal reflection, and call to action, Design on the Edge illustrates the process of institutional change, institutional learning, and the political economy of design. It describes how the idea of the Lewis Center originated and was translated into reality with the help of such environmental visionaries as William McDonough and John Todd, and how the building has performed since its completion.

College and university administrators will spend 17 billion dollars on new buildings over the next few years. Design on the Edge is essential reading for architects, planners, and environmentalists who need to sell the innovations of ecological design to wary institutions, and for educators and students whose profession is undermined by the very buildings they work in—and for anyone who has ever tried to change an organization for the better.



TrainSignal Lab 5 (DHCP Servers)

Posted: 24 May 2009 04:35 AM PDT

Fun, interactive scenarios make our lessons easy to retain! Install and configure a DHCP Server for your organization
Authorize a DHCP Server within Active Directory

Create DHCP Scopes and Scope Options
Plan for and setup a DHCP Superscope
Configure reservations and learn how they are different than exclusions
Setup a fault tolerant DHCP solution using two DHCP Servers and two scopes

Learn how to test and troubleshoot DHCP client configurations
Manage your DHCP client from the DOS shell using IPCONFIG Commands (with switches)
Install a DHCP Relay Agent to allow DHCP requests to pass through a routed network
Learn how to prevent your network from rogue DHCP Servers
Add or modify Scope Options on the DHCP Server

Learn how a DHCP Client obtains its IP Address from a DHCP Server
Install RRAS and configure a Server as a router
Monitor a DHCP Server's active leases
Manage multiple DHCP Servers from one computer

Learn about RFC 1542 (BOOTP/DHCP Forwarding) and instances when you uses a DHCP Relay Agent instead
Learn to configure your DHCP Server more efficiently
Configure User and Vendor classes to allow for advanced DHCP Scope settings
Disable NetBIOS on your network with a DHCP Scope option

Explore how a DHCP Server reacts when it receives IP Requests from XP Clients on two different networks
Backup and Restore a DHCP database
Install and use Terminal Services and Remote Desktop
All of this and more taught in win**s 2000 & Server 2003!
download links:

VTC - QuickStart - Corel Painter 11

Posted: 24 May 2009 04:06 AM PDT

Take an in-depth preview of Corel Painter 11 and see the exciting new tools and features for digital natural media artists. New in this version is the ability to work with hard media variants in the marker, chalk and pens brush categories. Resize the color palette and enjoy enhanced workflow with easier color profile control. In this VTC course, professional illustrator, television animation art director and writer Dwayne Ferguson takes users on a tour of this powerful application. Work Files are included.

download links:

Webuser - 7 May 2009

Posted: 24 May 2009 03:41 AM PDT

Webuser - 7 May 2009

Webuser - 7 May 2009

Webuser - 7 May 2009
PDF | 78 pages | 31.8 Mb | English


Picture Yourself Learning Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Posted: 24 May 2009 03:38 AM PDT

Picture Yourself Learning Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Picture Yourself Learning Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Product Description
You've just purchased and installed Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and you're ready to unleash all of the newest features of this powerful yet fun operating system! "Picture Yourself Learning Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard" shows you how to effectively utilize all the components of the latest version of the Mac operating system using clear step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and full-color screenshots.

You'll begin by getting familiar with the basic Mac OS X Leopard concepts including cool, new desktop features like how to use Finder to manage your files, and utilizing Quick Look to view your document and image files. As you get the hang of Mac OS X Leopard you'll get organized with iCal, better manage your email with Mail 3.0, and even create widgets with the Safari web browser. After that you'll discover how to maximize your multimedia experience with iChat, Photo Booth, and Front Row, creating a multimedia system right on your Mac desktop! The book also covers important parental controls,how to back up and archive your data, and tips for keeping your computer's operating system running smoothly. "Picture Yourself Learning Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard" shows computing beginners how to make the most of their Leopard experience.



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