Microsoft Press | ISBN: 0735619573 | 2006. | 1024 p. | RARed CHM 1.48MB

In this book, Windows programming legend Charles Petzold covers inparallel the two interfaces that make up the Windows PresentationFoundation (WPF). From the outset, the reader can shift focus seamlesslybetween Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and C# to see themas flip sides of the same processes. Beginning in the first chapter,Petzold presents the general syntax of the XAML and correspondingprogramming code with numerous illuminating examples on how the twocorrespond and interrelate. The book builds on this base, providing theclassic Petzold Windows user interface (UI) treatment, to show Windowsdevelopers how to create next-generation interfaces for theirapplications.


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