C The Complete Reference, Fourth Edition gives you flooded info on C99, the New ANSI/ISO Standard for C. You’ll intend in-depth news of the C module and duty libraries as substantially as every the newest C features, including limited pointers, inline functions, variable-length arrays, and Byzantine math. This jam-packed inventiveness includes hundreds of examples and distribution applications.
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Very easy way to learn java for begininers throw this book.
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Meet the challenges of Windows security with the exclusive Hacking Exposed "attack-countermeasure" approach. Learn how real-world malicious hackers conduct reconnaissance of targets and then exploit common misconfigurations and software flaws on both clients and servers. See leading-edge exploitation techniques demonstrated, and learn how the latest countermeasures in Windows XP, Vista, and Server 2003/2008 can mitigate these attacks. Get practical advice based on the authors' and contributors' many years as security professionals hired to break into the world's largest IT infrastructures. Dramatically improve the security of Microsoft technology deployments of all sizes when you learn to:
Establish business relevance and context for security by highlighting real-world risks
Take a tour of the Windows security architecture from the hacker's perspective, exposing old and new vulnerabilities that can easily be avoided.
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